Tuesday, August 5, 2008

CSS Design - Great Designer Tips

55 CSS Techniques You Can't Live Without - Smashing Magazine is a fantastic resource for web design tips and tricks, and they hit the nail on the head with some great CSS tips in this list. It's really amazing all of the things your site can display using these advanced techniques.

How to Make Sexy Buttons With CSS - Many people in the real world wouldn't consider anything on the web to be sexy per se, but then, what do they know? Make sure your website eschews sexiness with this sexy button tutorial by Oscar Alexander.

6 Keys to Understanding Modern CSS-Based Design - much like web design in general, CSS has expanded and evolved over the years, and many designers still need to catch up. Snook explores modern navigation and floating techniques to bring you up to speed.

CSS Slicing Guide - Many professional designers begin building their website layouts and themes in graphics programs first before actually creating the code. Sometimes, the process of transferring these ideas over to code can be daunting; use this CSS slicing guide to make such transitions smooth.

71 Free CSS Menus - If you're not using CSS to enhance your site's navigational menus, you either have really boring text navigation or are just living in the stone age. No worries, though, as you're sure to find at least 1 styled menu to use out of the 71 on this list.

Advanced CSS Menu - After digging through the list provided above, you might get bitten by the CSS-driven-menu bug, and might be looking to shovel deeper. Web Designer Wall has the tool you need to find what you're looking for.

15 CSS Properties You Probably Never Use (but perhaps should) - Leave it to Oatmeal to give us yet another great design tutorial! With so many CSS properties to utilize, it's easy to forget some that are mentioned on his list of what you SHOULD be using.

70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding - As you further your CSS knowledge, you may find yourself lost in a sea of style code. Keep yourself organized and make life a little less hectic with these 70 ideas for better coding from the CSS experts at Smashing Magazine.

Blueprint CSS - If 70 ideas weren't enough for you (or too much to handle), then you might want to check out Blueprint CSS. It's a CSS framework for you to help jump start your style sheets using advanced CSS organization.

Designing on a Dime: 100 Freebie CSS Resources - One of the misconceptions of web design is that, in order to achieve a really good look, you got to have the financial resources (i.e. billable design hours) to churn out good design. This list of free resources proves otherwise.