Friday, February 22, 2008

War of design versus functionality


Design is responsible for keeping the viewer's attention. Studies show that a web page has just 3 seconds to make an impression before the user viewer decides to stay or leave, and a page has only 12 seconds to meet the viewer's needs before they find someone else to help them. The design is what catches the viewer's eye and keeps them interested. A good design also sends a message to the viewer regarding the company's personality, quality, and the way they do business.


Functionality, on the other hand, is responsible for keeping the viewer. If a website is easy to navigate and the viewer can find the information they are looking for easily, the viewer is likely visit the site often and experience all that the website has to offer. Functionality is a great gauge at seeing how effective the company is at communicating their ideas to their clients or customers in face-to-face situations.

Source :


Unknown said...

Yes there is a big dilemma when it comes to choosing design over functionality. I have found that many of the clients who come to me for marketing have really no idea of what to look for in a website design and functionality well they just want an easy to use website. Well my company does not create websites these days we focus on the after market products:) But one this that we run into a lot is a clients site is neither user friendly or search engine friendly plus they often time have chosen a look that in not brandable. This is when we suggest a redesign or a logo design. Sending them to one of four companies we work with Lighthouse Web Design in Colorado, Snowdog Web in Montana, Inroads in New Jersey and in
Montreal Canada. All of these companies produce quality products with great customer service.

Laxman Bhattarai said...

It's Good & Interesting. T like it... Keep it up..

Laxman Bhattarai

Anonymous said...

Web Design Company India Suhanasoft is an Indian Web Design Company , web development and Search Engine Optimization company providing low cost web design, web development and Search Engine Optimization services for smaller and medium sized businesses. Established in 2005, we have developed and designed more than 1000 websites from around the world. Our quality and professional services has made us stand so far.

Reshmi said...

Web design versus functionality is one of the hottest debates in the contemporary web designing community.There are several issues that arise from the web design versus the functionality debate. You have described both of them well.

web designer said...

Your website should integrate with and complement your other marketing activities. Promote your site address where you can. Consider putting it on your business cards, stationery, merchandise, delivery vans, carrier bags, customer receipts and on your shop front. Drive people to your website through online adverts, search engine marketing and active offline promotion.